Building the Future Today

“Our purpose for building this school is to create an environment that provides for the needs of every student and draws out their brilliance by sharing the same opportunities we were given by God.”
— Juliet Kwagala-Kyegimbo, Founder of El Roi Ministries

Anything you give a child can be taken away, except what they hold in their minds and their hearts. At Stacy Humphrey Elementary Memorial and Vocational Academy, we know education transforms lives and is the foundation of self-sufficient communities. Join us as we build the future.

Education is the Path We Chose

Education that empowers children, is the foundation of strong communities. Despite the challenges we face we know that the children of Uganda have unlimited potential. Our goal is to join hands together and build a school that reflects this vision.

Staff and Faculty

The success of a school depends on a staff team that can provide each student with the instruction they need while working closely with families to build a holistic education rooted in the realities of their community.

Developing Our Roots

Along with education we are building a school that contributes to the surrounding communities economic life. We have already began to plant crops and grow our own food. With your help we can be a powerful community resource.

Contact Us


(951) 449-1359